About Decorating Den Interiors in Vancouver, BC (Get All the Details Here)

JD Elite Interiors is proud to be partnered with the popular and widespread franchise Decorating Den Interiors as a franchisee.

First and foremost, JD Elite Interiors is its own business with its own corporation registered in British Columbia.  Our designers and decorators are hired by us, not Decorating Den.


What is Decorating Den Interiors?

Decorating Den Interiors (DDI) is an interior design franchise company.  However, unlike most franchises, DDI gives its franchisees the freedom and latitude to largely operate as an independent business.  For example, we have our own interior design business name, JD Elite Interiors. Many franchises don’t permit that.  Moreover, we can source furniture and homewares outside the extensive DDI supplier network if we wish. For example, if there is something local that’s perfect for a client’s home, we can use that for a client.

I liken DDI not so much as a franchise but instead a network of interior designers that together can gain access to the best furniture and homewares suppliers in the world with the biggest discounts due to our aggregate purchasing power.


How are we affiliated with Decorating Den Interiors?

Technically, we (JD Elite Interiors) are a franchise.  However, our franchise is independently owned as a British Columbia corporation.  Aside from having the great fortune of being included in the DDI network of interior designers, we operate as an independent, locally-owned interior design firm.


Why are we affiliated with Decorating Den?  Why did we choose to go the franchise route instead of hanging a shingle?

The answer is simple and it’s definitely for the benefit of all our clients and that is sourcing/buying power.  The reality in the interior design services industry is that individual interior designers, while they can get trade accounts with various furniture and other homewares suppliers, it’s not easy.  Many suppliers have volume requirements that many independent interior designers cannot meet and so they aren’t granted a trade account.

That’s where Decorating Den comes in.  As a franchise organization with hundreds of interior designers throughout North America, Decorating Den not only obtains trade accounts with pretty much any supplier in the world but does so with extremely favorable terms (i.e. discounts).  This is a huge benefit to our clients and forms an advantageous aspect to our affordable interior design Vancouver.

Aside from enjoying access to over 120 of the leading furniture and homewares manufacturers and suppliers worldwide as a Decorating Den franchise, we operate as if we were an individual interior design firm, which we are.

– Jon Dykstra
JD Elite Interiors, President